Bible Convo (2 Corinthians) – 05/06/20

In this conversation, Pastors Erik, Cody, and Gavin discuss 2 Corinthians. Read the book (should take you less than an hour), listen to the audio of the conversation, and chip in on the comments section below with your own thoughts on the Scripture and to these three questions:

  1. What word, phrase, or theme most resonated with you personally as you read this letter?
  2. What does this letter invite us to as a community of disciples?
  3. If you’re sitting down to read this letter, what drink or snack would pair best with the reading?

For next week’s Bible Convo we will be discussing the letter we know as Galatians. You’re invited to read those six chapters and come up with your own thoughts on the the same three questions we used today.

3 thoughts on “Bible Convo (2 Corinthians) – 05/06/20

  1. Tom and Jen are asking why are there no comments???
    Jus de Pamplemousse et Beurre d’arachide would be my (Jen’s, because Tom won’t admit to any of this) choices because the Grapefruit Juice is sour and the peanut butter is sort of sweet; the love-hate/frustration relationship. Tom: french fries with ketchup (i love ketchup, but abhor raw tomatoes) along with a pitcher of some delicious malted beverage to share with my friends.


  2. So the four of us, Becky, Tezeta, baby Aniyah and Vern listening and enjoying the study. However the gas in your tank exchange was so funny that Tez hurt her stitches, and the baby laughed so hard she threw up!! Talk about lovely and not so lovely!
    For Vern, 6:10 was very comforting, “although saddened we are always glad, we seem poor but we make people rich, we seem to have nothing yet we really possess everything!!” There are miracles all around we just have to look for them and appreciate them. A big bowl of popcorn to share with everyone.
    It is great to read the whole Book just to read the Book…We (I) tend to read only the chapters and verses I like or make sense at the time and not read the Bible a book at a time.


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