Bible Convo (Isaiah 1-24) – 11/24/21

In this conversation Erik, Cody, and Gavin open up a series of conversations on Isaiah and discuss the “this-was-probably-overly-ambitious” section of chapters 1-24. Read those chapters and listen to the audio of the conversation, and then chip in on the comments section below with your own thoughts on the Scripture and responses to these three questions:

  1. What word, phrase, or theme most resonated with you personally as you read this section of Scripture?
  2. What does this portion of Scripture invite us to as a community of disciples?
  3. If you’re sitting down with these chapters, what drink or snack would pair best with the reading?

Next week we will continue with 25-39!

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Bible Convo (Christ the King Special) – 11/17/21

In this conversation Erik, Cody, and Gavin have some laughs AND some compelling discussion about what it means that God is King. In addition to some tomfoolery and a rousing round of royal trivia, we discuss Psalm 93, John 18-19, and Philippians 2:4-11. Check it out!

Next week we jump into a beefy series of chats on the book of Isaiah, starting strong with chapters 1-24! Give yourself some time to get through that big section.

You can subscribe on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

Bible Convo (Revelation 19-22) – 11/10/21

In this conversation Erik, Cody, and Gavin reach the exciting conclusion on their discussion on the book of Revelation (chapters 19-22). Read those chapters and listen to the audio of the conversation, and then chip in on the comments section below with your own thoughts on the Scripture and responses to these three questions:

  1. What word, phrase, or theme most resonated with you personally as you read this section of Scripture?
  2. What does this portion of Scripture invite us to as a community of disciples?
  3. If you’re sitting down with these chapters, what drink or snack would pair best with the reading?

Next week we will have a fun little conversation on the theme of Christ the King! Stay tuned!

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Bible Convo (Revelation 16-18) – 11/03/21

In this conversation Erik, Cody, and Gavin continue the discussion on the book of Revelation with chapters 16-18. Read those chapters and listen to the audio of the conversation, and then chip in on the comments section below with your own thoughts on the Scripture and responses to these three questions:

  1. What word, phrase, or theme most resonated with you personally as you read this section of Scripture?
  2. What does this portion of Scripture invite us to as a community of disciples?
  3. If you’re sitting down with these chapters, what drink or snack would pair best with the reading?

Next week we conclude our conversation on Revelation with chapters 19-22.

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